Sunday, June 14, 2020

You Wot? I Iz back cos I iz random

Well hello there,

So I haven't been on this blog for a while, and it was a random happening that made me login again, so I've been doing lots of hobby related stuff, blame new techkenolgy an dis git being lazy BUT I do have a Instagram account so you can catch up on my latest hobby shenanigans

So I may post so more stuff on the blog, like the fact that 8 year old ork Loota project have been (half) finished, (still nuthin' on the Stormraven though stinkin Beakies gubbinz) and that after falling out with Warhammer 40,000 after 6th edition, 8th edition has brought me back to the fold but Bolt Action and various other historical wargames are very much still a thing for me so expect more random content!!!

As an example, here is my scratch built Epidemius the Tallyman finally finished! only took 7 years, which was obviously planned as that the number of Nurgle not be cause he was forgotten in a box for that long.  More pictures can be found on dis