Saturday, September 1, 2012

Blood Angel Army show case

Well this is unprecedented two update in the same day!

As promised here are better pictures of my Blood Angel army that won the Armies on Parade last weekend.

The theme is a Pre Hersey 2nd Company Blood Angel army so the idea was to have no space marine armour higher than Mk 6 (beaky helmets).  All models have been converted in some way, also all symbols are hand painted as I hate GW transfers.

First up is 3rd Tactical squad under Sgt Darius

7th Assault squad under Sgt Valente.

Death Company Dreadnought Noctis and Drop pod

The Contemptor Dreadnought Faustus

The engine unit is scratch built as FW mis-packed and the actual engine was not included (they sent me a complete new Contemptor as replacement though) and the 2nd Coy symbol is freehand in practice for the Company banner when i get round to getting some Honour Guard.
Razorback/Rhino Invictus, or 3rd squads ride.

The Las/Plas turret is a conversion using the Lascannon turret and two Chaos Marine Plasma guns, the old school Rhino front is made from Plasticard and the hatches from 25mm bases.

Baal Predator Sanguis

The leaders of the army Captain Falcone and Librarian Sironis.

The Captain actually started life as a Sargent model but looked too cool so I promoted him (even though a BA Capt is a poor HQ choice) he's also all Plastic as the BA plastic sprues are fantastic.
The Libby was given the Mk6 helmet to fit in with the Pre hersey theme and based on a Rogue Trader Librarian Model.

Well thats the army that won, hope you like it....... of and like any good 40K army its always ongoing
See ya next time!

Desert Terrain showcase

Hey every one,

Today I thought I'd mix up the blog with a show of the often forgotten part of the wargaming hobby, the terrain.  You can't have nice looking armies fighting over any old table top (although the Dr Pepper refinery often makes an appearance on even the most realistic battlefields).

So first up is fresh off the painting table is a Plasma power generator.....

This was made using a old GW foam building that was for the game Inquisitor, the generator are made from chocolate milk powder container, and with some plasticard and guitar wire we have one desert themed generator to fight over.

Next up is a few bunkers, can't have a 40k battlefield without a few eh.  These are old out of production Forgeworld terrain pieces so if you want some you'd probably need to look on Ebay/Trade Me.
This single bunker has a slight conversion of 2 Autocannons but other than that its 'out of the box'

 Next is the Gun tower, sporting a twin-linked Lascannon and two heavy bolters it make for a formidable defence point, and looks cool to boot!

Lastly we have the group shot, the trio of defense

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Blood Angels win armies on Parade!

Hello all,

Well today I actually went down to my local GW (Auckland City, my brother being the Manager there) and entered into the Armies on Parade competition, and bloody won the thing Hussar!

It was voted by the hobbyists instore (Sam my bro didn't even cast a vote) and my entry came up top. By one vote!
The other entry was a very nice High Elf army by a Simean Hawkins just moved to Auckland from the UK
But the Angels shone through (by one vote) and carried the day.
I will post some close ups of the army later, the ones I took instore are crap. Though I think just this one for now
See I told you I'd get one for my army!

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Hello All,

Ah a month without posting, blame Batman (the movie and the Arkham games) but I have been doing various as normal but i'd thought it would be cool to show you my latest stuff, Daemons.

Well this month saw the release of the awesome Nurgle Daemons, which in my humble opinion were a long time coming as the last lot of Nurgle stuff was sub par.  I have always had a thing for the fatty diseased one so along with my Plague marine I can redo my old Nurgle List, who remembers my old chaos lord Pestalius.

I've purchased two of the new Plaguebearer box sets and I got me the awesome new nurglings with the intention of making this dude, Epidemius the Tallyman  

Never been a fan of the GW model (past Nurgle models being sub par) as the palanquin just looked like a blob and not in a good Nurgle way, With the new super cool charactiful plastic Nurglings the palanquin look like a horde of Nurglings, and with a chair made up of various plastic part and a completely scratch built Epidemius there you go my version, hope you like.

Then on to the other big bad Daemon, Fateweaver!  

The GW model for him bugs me, he looks so depressed and more importantly about as dynamic as a dead pigeon (which may have been the inspiration).  So i had an old metal lord of change which had the awesome mispack of two complete heads! (Tzeentch obviously had his hand in that) so I set about making my own.

so after a few broken drill bits and a bit of green stuff hes come up nicely I think.

Daemon are always interesting to play, there last outing wasn't the best (I hate Grey Knights, and that tit Draigo) but it just makes me want to fight harder next time, as with all good bad guys there always is a next time!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Workbench time......Ork and Angels

Hello all

See I told ya i'd be more regular with posting!  So big news on the 40k front with 6th edition on it way next weekend (30/06/12) I'm really looking forward to having the rules in front of me as those rumours are getting rather stupid now.

Any how as a result of 6th and the fact I had one from ages ago I finally built me Storm Raven for the 2nd Coy Blood Angels(BA's)...... now I know that I have said that the BA's are Pre Horus Heresy(PHH) and that Storm Ravens are only a new addition to the armouries of the BA's but well its fantasy so.......its fantasy deal with it.
So as you can see I can't just leave the kit alone unchanged can I.  The kit design has a few design aesthetics that i'm not too keen on, the horrid servitor turret and the nose gun for starters.  I removed them both and moved the multi melta on to a razorback turret mounted on the roof.
The servitor turret mounted weapons, namely the Assault cannons are now wing mounted hard points using the Assault cannons from the Ravenwing sprue.
I always thought the turret on the roof was too far forward so i moved it back and filled the old turret mount with plasicard.  I wanted a Mk6 pilot just because of PHH theme and i like the helmets ( I have two assault  and one tactical squads that are all beakies!).
Finally i wanted a more old school thunderhawk type cockpit so i made it, oh and made an intake in the nose to replace the nose cannon mount.
so there you got a PHH Stormraven, may the fluff Nazi's scream bloody murder the sky!

on a totally different subject....well army.  I have converted some Loota's for the World War 2(WW2) Orks.
Again not  being content with the box and seeing some of the cool Kromlech ( guns it got me a thinkin and this is what i came up with.....

Ok the idea behind these are that the guns count as the fire power of 2 Lootas, in a squad of 10 I have 5 guns and 5 loaders.  The loader have ammo crates and binos and the like and they are essentially wound makers for the 'guns'.
 I liked the idea of  flak guns from WW2 so these are based on many German gun types.  The guns will be painted as Luftwaffe, so blue/grey uniforms for the crew and yellow/green/red brown camo for the guns.

So that's it for this weeks update, more to come can't wait for 6th!

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Wow few tumbleweeds here, with life, work and other annoying this getting in the way of blogging this site has been neglected, but no more!

Well with almost a year gone by since my last entry I have done a fair few things hobby wise, but to get things kick started again i thought something big....Titanic in fact!  The war machines of Legio Astraman AKA the Morning Stars!
First up my painted warhound 'wolf hunter' which has been shown before but not on this site.
There are a few added details hatches, exhausts and this hand painted banner.
And there are some more free hand in the form of the symbol of the Legio the Morning star and other Legio symbols on the legs.
Ok so on to my next Titan, a work in progress waiting to be painted, the Reaver Battle Titan 'Thunder child'
The model has been more converted than the warhound with a new scratch built head, reactor room and added details and brass etched symbols. Oh and thanks to the miracle that is liquid green stuff was able to fill many air bubbles and mold defects (it is an old armorcast model after all)
The original head was too small, I liked the design of the more iconic Reaver head so after a bit of plasticard and tubing this is what I came up with.
 The back of the Titan was a bit bland so I made it bigger, some cables and added a gantry.
And utilizing some of the great brass etched sets from forgeworld, added a few symbols here and there.
So the Reaver will be painted more of the same as the Warhound, green and gold with blue and white chevrons etc, dunno when this one will be done thought as its in the queue behind Blood Angels, Orks, Night Goblins, this list goes on but watch this space!

So that the Titans.  The other BIG thing on my completed list is my realm of battle board that my lovely wife bought for me Christmas 2009 I think, painted as a desert board for the baking sands of Armageddon, Khemri or North Africa......well maybe not the last one yet, must resist historical!
Oh and to go with the desert stomping grounds for the titans I also have a deadly desert monster.....
See ya next time!